With all the daily mundane routines eating away the vast majority of my time, it's nice to take a moment to look back on the month and see what's been accomplished.
In the garden:
·Laid the foundation for a new herb bed
·Planted a mint bed under the orange tree
·Planted seeds for some veggies that hopefully will be coming up soon
·Brought my chickens back to a more nourished, happy state
·Gradually bringing to life in my imagination (first step to reality) a bee yard in the back corner.
In the house:
·Have about half the house under control now on a daily basis. No small feat!
·While not complete just yet, my goal is by the end of the month (woops! tomorrow!) to have all the Christmas decorations put away
My 52 Week Mini-Challenges have REALLY helped me feel like I’ve taken steps towards taking care of myself on a personal level! Some permanent changes I’ve made:
·I’ve cut way back on my coffee (from 4-5 cups a day to 2) which is healthier AND saving me money! I’ve only made 2 runs to Starbucks this month!
·Fast food elimination! I’ve not had fast food ONCE this month!!!
·I’ve upped my water intake from practically zilch to 48 oz a day
·I’m not exercising every day but I’m trying. I’m generally more active on a daily basis than I was. My flexibility is definitely better with my daily stretching.
·My face is much better now do to making sure to wash and moisturize it daily
Along the way I’ve been able to embark on some fun projects such as starting a batch of culinary orange extract, a new batch of vanilla extract, etc. I really wanted to make some orange marmalade from my oranges but… jelly making and babies don’t mix so well. At least not right now. That’s ok… I’d rather have the baby ;-)
There! I feel better and more accomplished just by writing this out. There is still SO MUCH I want to do, it’s easy to feel impatient or frustrated when time or finances hinder the process, so it’s important to see how far I’ve come rather than where I want to go.
I'm not adding a new Mini Challenge this week. I want to use this week to cement the good habits, wrap up projects, and think about what I want to accomplish in February!
Better go hustle!
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