Tidbit of the day: To make it specifically out of yogurt creates a cheese commonly used in the Middle East called Laban Cheese.
Rather than recite all the instructions, I'll simply direct you to one of my favorite Foodie sites, Cheeseslave
Here is a picture of my Laban cheese when it is finished:
Moms, this would be a fun EASY project to do with the kids!
One caveat - you must use PLAIN WHOLE FAT dairy. A little blueberry cup of "yogurt" isn't going to work. If you can get raw dairy, even better. When I can't get raw milk to make my own yogurt, I use Strauss yogurt out of CA. It's pasteurized but the cows are primarily grassfed and hormone/anti-biotic free.
Someday I hope to do more cheesemaking someday but this is about as much as I can do with my equipment and knowledge... so far ;-)
A friend recommended that I check out a different blogspot to learn how - it's so super easy - I came across your blog and posted it to my friends on Facebook. We just ate ours for breakfast, with zatar herbs, in olive oil - SO DELICIOUS! The way I learned on the other blog is that you can add your herbs, salt, and then form them into balls (wet your hands with olive oil), and then place the balls in a sterilized jar with olive oil and this can sit in a cupboard unrefrigerated for a while and it will keep really nice...ours never made it to the shelf - it went straight to the belly!