After yesterday my body seemed to be in mild protest so I took it easy after church. Plus it was a warm, breezy day – perfect for being lazy. However I planted some new seeds that are probably going in the ground too late; but I had some room and thought I would experiment(cabbage & broccoli), and then replanted some plots that appeared to contain duds (I’m altering the planting method on these to see if that helps. If it does I’ll share details later). Weeded and watered everything that is supposed to grow. Continued on with the study clean-up/re-organization AND did the impossible “detangling of the computer wires”. I wish I had taken before/after pictures of THAT mess. Did the whole store thing and made a yum-yum dinner.
There have been requests for pictures so here are some of my favorite things to photograph… food!!! This was our dinner. Pasta with sautéed veggies: golden bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, ‘shrooms, with a snippet of sun-dried tomatoes for depth. Then sautéed shrimp. Mix it all together!
Where did the weekend go?